The Sculptors

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To fashion tough minerals that were forged by nature millions of years ago — that’s a skill which can take a lifetime to truly master. 
Yet when a stonemason makes marble come alive, or turns dull quartz into a feast of colours, they make it look easy. It is of course anything but. 
But the reward for their hard work and skill is successfully turning blocks of stone into shapes that inspire awe. No wonder some craftsmen proudly “sign” their best work by inscribing the stone with their signature mason’s mark . 
From the Stonemason’s Hands to Your Home
Like the stonemason, we all want to create something we feel is our very own. 
And with the Dulux Ambiance Stonemason’s Collection, you can. Choose from one of these special effect paint finishes, and you empower your home with the perfection of pure minerals. 
You might, for example, pair a casual interior with the grounded weight of Veined Marble; a perfect backdrop to light wooden furniture. 
Perhaps you’d love to turn a humble room into a haven of creative inspiration, thanks to the eye-catching look of Quartz. 
Or add an inviting touch to your hallway with the sleek shades of Limestone, quietly reflecting vintage incandescent light from above. 
Whatever finish you choose in this collection, it’s sure to last — after all, the stonemason’s craft and the beauty of stone never go out of style.

Sculptors Inspiration

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